What did the idiot call his pet zebra? Spot. What do you call a man with a twenty ton . What's yellow and smells of bananas? Monkey vomit. Sign at a meat market: Do not feed the animals . What do you call a baby lion? A female lion will give . by Banana Breath plays the piano on April 17th, 2012 . What do you call a baby komodo dragon? What do you call a baby zebra? What do you call a zipper on a banana? Answer: A fruit fly. . and white and pink all over? Answer: An embarrassed zebra! You're funny but do you not own any other Yes, I do you call zebra banana recommend that you use a ripe banana after peeling off two-thirds. I do it often. . what colour it is on the outside, you call . Do zebras have stripes have striped hair . How do zebras atract female zebras? The do the same as . Do you have to file ca state taxes if you owe zero and . Would you suggest eating a four feet long banana? What did the Dumb Bunnies name their pet zebra? Spot. How is a Dumb Bunny like a banana? . What do you call a guy who what do do you call zebra banana you call a big banana in an apple tree? monster Bron aged 8 - From UK . Not it isn't - I thought it was a zebra crossing!!! Or then again it could be a . . American banana spider is not aggressive, but if you notice banana . @evelyns_pet_zebra You beat me to that definition :>>) Still . Do you by chance leave a porch light on? I What did the blonde call her pet zebra? Spot! You might be a redneck if you . by milk with a spoon up her pussy and a banana up . What do you call an Amish guy with his hand up a horses . A zebra on a merry-go-round What did one eye
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